Breaking New!
In October 2025 Author Alex Wright will be hosting a writing contest entitled " Write with Alex" for children ages 5years to 7 years old. Children will submit their original fiction or non fiction stories for a chance to win $1,000. Story entry must state if the story is fiction or non fiction and can obtain drawn illustrations. Stories that are not illustrated will also be excepted. Entry information will appear hear In August 2025 for information on how to submit your child's story. There will be two stories selected as the winner, so Stay Tuned!
More in the News
Alex Wright new book entitled " Lola and Me" is schedule for release in January 2026. Also, meet the author by zoom is scheduled for the summer of 2026, check back in February 2026 for details.
Alex Wright is currently accepting letters from children ages 5 years to 9 years at Parents may also submit their child's story on their behalf. Tell Alex what future stories you would like to see her write. Alex reviews and responds to each email, so please be patient if it seems like her response is delayed, Thank You!
"Always Keep Reading"
-Alex Wright